Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kung ano ano lang . . .

People do things for a reason. Jun Lozada spilled the beans because he felt his life was in danger. Chavit Sison knew that he was on Erap's hit list so he revealed who the biggest gambling lord in the country was. These people on one time or another were revered as heroes. Now I'm not the one to judge, but how can you call someone a hero if he / she did'nt do his her heroic deed with the purest of intentions? Life preservation, maybe, but for love of country? I seriously doubt it. While I believe that we people can change . . . I also believe that it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks. Old dogs will do their tricks again and again and again . . .

Just this evening I saw this news feature on Gma 7 about a doctor who circumcised 640 children in one day for free. This is a world record and is officially in the books. When the doctor was interviewed, I got the impression that he was . . . gay. Not that I have anything against gay people. I have gay friends and being from the entertainment industry, I'm pretty used to them being around. But, I'm just not sure if this did it because he wanted to help these poor kids or . . . you know what I mean. Good thing I wasn't there or I would have laughed my socks off!

Wala lang . . .


[vayie] said...

I thank the high heavens I have someone who thinks the same way as I do regarding this whole issue about Lozada. I am not pro-GMA (matter of fact I didn't like her eversince) but I don't support Lozada either. Most importantly, I don't regard him as a hero. That guy has questionable dealings too but now he speaks like he hasn't done anything wrong or corrupt in his life. The reason why i don't like to talk about politics at my blog. Mapapaaway lang ako! Now Lozada is hiding the cloak of Catholic Church and that makes me despise him more.

On the other hand, I heard of that doctor. About him being gay? I'm not sure! =D

BAM! said...

Yeah, kung di pa sila sasabit di sila aamin. I think punishment for public officials should be heavier because the people entrusted them to run the nation. Any act of graft and corruption should be considered as betrayal and anyone caught guilty should be shot! Sobrang laki ng taxes natin sa mga Hudas lang napupunta . . .

Syempre lawmakers will not approve of such laws kasi yari sila.

Haaay . . . :D